NCDAS: Substance Abuse and Addiction Statistics 2023

It can reduce heart disease rates because ethanol causes changes in lipids and other hemostatic factors. Alcohol can also thin the blood, so it can help with blood flow in older adults. While alcohol can help reduce the risk of heart disease in moderate amounts, the same is not true for heavy alcohol consumption. For example, a value of 3.6 for bipolar disorder indicates that illicit drug dependency became more than three time more likely in individuals with bipolar disorder than those without. The risk of an alcohol use disorder is highest in individuals with intermittent explosive disorder, dysthymia, ODD, bipolar disorder and social phobia.

  • When someone drinks alcohol they feel happy, which can lead to further alcohol abuse.
  • In 2017 — with the exception of Ukraine — the prevalence of alcohol dependence in men was higher than in women across all countries.
  • Men drink more, are more likely to binge drink and are almost four times more likely to develop alcohol use disorder than women, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

When alcohol is processed in the liver, it blocks the liver from performing other functions like blood sugar regulation. In these cases, blood sugar drops because the liver can’t process glucose effectively. Changes in blood sugar from alcohol consumption are more dangerous for people with preexisting conditions like diabetes. † Largest number of drinks consumed on an occasion in the past 30 days among adults who reported binge drinking. The map shows the share of all road traffic deaths attributed to alcohol consumption over the national legal limit for alcohol consumption.

Reasons for a healthier approach to drinking

Don’t worry we won’t send you spam or share your email address with anyone. Provide feedback and information relevant to their level of risk, and give a patient information leaflet. Significantly, our research showed that the more a man drinks before providing sperm, the lower the chances of his partner becoming pregnant – in some cases, by almost 50%. To find alcohol treatment for yourself or a loved one, visit the NIAAA Alcohol Treatment Navigator.

stats on alcoholism

Drugs “with a moderate to low potential for physical and psychological dependance” are classified as Schedule III. This category includes dozens of hormones, synthetic hormones, and hormone derivatives. Some examples of Schedule II drugs are cocaine, fentanyl, methamphetamine, oxycodone, and hydrocodone. The DEA promotes National Take Back Days, encouraging consumers to hand over their expired and unused medications. Marijuana is classified under the Controlled Substances Act as a hallucinogen.

Alcohol expenditure

The percent change in total volume for certain beverages and the percent change in premium-and-above alcohol volume in 2022, as reported by IWSR are listed below. What “better-for-you” related claims should industry members be aware of that are important to consumers? NielsenIQ reports that the “claim to watch” for beer/flavored malt beverages/cider is “carb-free,” for wine it is “calorie conscious,” and “no added sugar” for spirits. With each new year comes a new set of alcohol beverage consumption statistics, trends, and predictions. As in years past, this article summarizes data from several different sources to help readers understand what is happening in the alcoholic beverage space. In fact, several studies have shown that women have higher levels of blood alcohol concentration (BAC) after drinking the same amount of alcohol.

stats on alcoholism

In 2016, the per capita alcohol consumption for the people of Nevada is 3.46 gallons. The state has very lax laws on the production, sale, and consumption of alcohol. Retail stores and bars that sell alcoholic beverages operate 24 hours a day all around the year. The state also allows people under the age of 21 years to consume alcohol while in private property. Drinking too much at one time or on any given day, or having too many drinks over the course of a week, increases the risk of harmful consequences, including injuries and health problems.